Statistics show 96% of HR leaders believe their appraisals are not effective. That is a sobering figure. It means only a handful are happy with the results their appraisals are bringing them. This is why we have put together a guide on how you can transform the staff appraisal process. Staff appraisals are a key feature in many workplaces. They enable the employer to sit down with an employee to review their progress. Typically, they occur every 12 months, although there are occasions when appraisals may take place more regularly. For example, new employees may be appraised after their first three months in the job. Most appraisals are not working as well as they should. This means most employees will leave the evaluation just as they went in. That is a vital chance missed for an employee to understand how they have performed to that point – and to know how they could improve.
Transform the staff appraisal process by offering more than one viewpoint
Most appraisals focus on the manager or employer providing feedback on the individual’s performance. However, this only provides one point of view. This doesn’t give a rounded view of how that individual is performing. It also relies on the appraisal skills and abilities of whoever conducts the appraisal. Therefore, there are many sources of information that are missed or ignored. This is detrimental to the employee, the employer, and the business. In many cases, an appraisal is wasted with little changing after it has taken place. Yet when additional viewpoints are added, the opportunity is there for all parties to benefit from the information gleaned from the process. This 360-degree feedback can transform both individuals and workplaces for the better.
How does 360-degree feedback transform the staff appraisal process?
Firstly, it is not merely ideal for conducting better appraisals. It is also appropriate for use in a larger programme promoting knowledge and development among employees. It also fosters greater understanding between all parties. Secondly, it takes in information from many sources, instead of merely relying on the opinions and viewpoints of the person conducting the assessment. It is likely some individuals will offer feedback that would never have arisen without the 360-degree approach. This feedback could lead to a far stronger and more informed performance in the future.
Plan ahead to transform the staff appraisal process
Every employee has an individual view of how well they are doing at work. They may think they are doing well in some areas and lacking skills or confidence in others. However, this does not always match up with the views of others in the workplace. By adopting 360-degree feedback, other staff members can anonymously provide feedback that contributes to the final report. Clearly, there should be ample time for the input to be received from each person. This enables all the information to be collated into an easy-to-read report. This report is then used during the appraisal.
Identifying strengths and weaknesses
By going through the report during the evaluation itself, the employee can compare the opinions of others to their own view of their abilities. It will help to highlight where their greatest strengths lie and where their weaknesses may be hidden. Going forward, a report that gathers information from fellow workers, managers, clients, and even customers will assist an employee in achieving better results.
For further information
Skillsarena specialises in talent management services that make it easier to find and retain the best members of staff. Our 360 Degree Feedback appraisals are tailored to each client, ensuring you receive a 360-degree performance feedback tool that works for you. Call now on +44 (0)203 693 2201 to arrange a demo or email us. Discover how you and your employees can benefit from comprehensive and beneficial appraisals from all angles.