Create your own skills test
We will work, adapt and innovate alongside you to create quizzes and exams that help you to effectively evaluate potential employees to ensure that you are hiring only the best talent into your organisation.
As an employer, you may know the answers you are looking for when recruiting. At Skillsarena, our Create Your Own tests can help you find the questions that bring out these answers!
We take pride in delivering our quizzes and tests 'right first time' without having to make compromises. By using insights from psychometric science, we create highly specific bespoke tests that offer immediate results.
Unlike off-the-shelf pre-employment tests, bespoke assessments are designed for use by one employer, so are more specific and useful by definition. Bespoke tests can be more inclusive, they can analyse potential employees with greater specificity and they offer an unrivalled candidate experience, making them far more likely to produce the result that you are looking for – a perfect hire.