First define what are the video interview pre-employment questions and how can they benefit
We have devised the Video Interviewing question types for specific use by candidates taking part in video interviews. By taking on the role of the interviewer, these questions of your choosing form the basis of your candidate’s interview, and their corresponding responses will be recorded and brought to life through video.
Your candidates will provide pre-recorded video interviews to your pre-selected interview questions, allowing you to efficiently recruit employees who are the right fit for the role and your organisation.
In addition to choosing from easy-to-use, pre-built interview questions, we can create bespoke questions using your organisation’s content to ensure that the experience you are delivering is in line with your company culture.
Through this extended collaboration, you will be able to come to a more rounded decision on an individual before spending time arranging for candidates to come in for an interview to be held face-to-face.