What are in tray exercises?
An in tray exercise simulates a typical work scenario where candidates are presented with a set of tasks, emails, and documents, resembling those encountered in the actual job role. Candidates are asked to prioritise and respond to these tasks within a required timeframe, demonstrating their ability to manage their responsibilities and make informed decisions.
At Skillsarena, we offer two kinds of in-tray exercises: one suited for clerical roles and another specifically designed for management positions. Within these categories, employers can choose between two test levels: core or professional. Candidates must identify the most important in-tray exercises shown on the screen and then explain why they have prioritised them the way they have.
In tray exercises have become increasingly common in recent years, as employers look to evaluate candidates' skills and abilities in a simulated work environment rather than relying solely on traditional CVs or interviews. Intray exercises offer a unique opportunity to assess how candidates handle real-world tasks and challenges that could arise in the job they're applying for. At Skillsarena, we offer a wide range of in tray exercises to measure different abilities and skill sets in applicants across different levels.
- Administrator
- Office Administrator
- Team Manager
- Receptionist
- Retail - Shop Assistant
- Team Leader
- Retail Manager
- Store Manager