Manual Tachograph

Everything you need to know.

An assessment designed for testing an individual’s knowledge of the use of a manual tachograph for chronicling driver records in logistics transportation vehicles

Manual Tachograph

What is the manual tachograph skills test?

Designed to assess an individual’s knowledge of regulations, lawful practice and safe procedures for the use of a manual tachograph for chronicling driver records. Candidates are presented with a variety of question styles including true or false statements and multiple
choice questions.

Candidates are presented with 12 questions to complete in 5 minutes. The candidate’s responses are automatically marked and a point is awarded for each correctly answered question. For some questions multiple answers may be required, the sum of these answers will result in one point awarded for the question. Skipped questions or those that are not taken will result in no point being awarded.

  • Practice test available
  • Randomised presentation
  • 5 minutes available
  • 4 minutes average completion time
  • 12 questions presented
  • 12 questions in pool

Skills Measured

01 Regulatory Knowledge
02 Lawful Practice
03 Safety
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