What is the numeracy assessment skills test?
Numerical knowledge is a basic requirement in many high-level jobs. Here at Skillsarena, we provide a Numeracy skills test to allow you to assess an individual’s knowledge and their ability to apply that knowledge to accurately solve math problems.
The Numeracy skills test has been designed to test an individual’s ability to determine the answer when presented with numerical scenarios with the aid of a calculator. While the ability to perform mental arithmetic may be highly sought after, this skills test aims to assess an individual’s basic understanding of mathematical calculations and the ability to execute them correctly.
During this test candidates will face a variety of math question styles including true or false statements and multiple-choice questions. Each Level of this skills test contains questions relating to averages, conversions, costings, decimals, fractions, percentages, ratio and time.
Each level of the Numeracy test is incrementally harder and builds on topics from the previous level. The Fundamental numeracy level involves performing basic calculations and allows the use of a calculator. At the Core and Professional numeracy levels, the complexity of the mathematical scenarios is increased and in turn, so is the quantity of data provided to achieve a result.
Candidates are presented with 12 math questions to complete within 15 minutes. The candidate’s responses are automatically marked and a point is awarded for each correctly answered arithmetic question. Skipped questions and those that are not taken will result in no point being awarded. Practice math questions are available to prepare for the Numeracy assessment.